St. Louis Catholic Church

Church built by Frank Sinatra for his mother Dolly

Frank Sinatra prominence in the Coachella Valley lead to his becoming the first honorary mayor of Cathedral City in 1967.

Frank and his rat pack buddies, also holding a significant presence in the area, had a huge fundraising event to build the St. Louis Catholic Church, where his mother, Dollie attended church along with several other celebrities. The church mid-century appeal was famous for the large gold cross and sits between C and D streets in the Cathedral City Cove.

A brief history of St. Louis by biographer Jacques LeG off: Louis ix, was born at Poissy, France in 1214. He succeeded to the throne at the early age of twelve under the regency of his mother Blanche of Castille. Having married Margaret of Provence in 1234, he was the father of eleven children.

Louis, a follower of St. Francis of Assisi, was known for his ardent piety and sanctity. Unlike other Kings who gave customary offerings to the poor, Louis invited the poor to his own table each day, where he waited on them and attended to their needs. His personal interest in the poor led to the founding of numerous charitable institutions including hospitals for the destitute and lepers.

Known as the "Peace King", he managed to mediate between the popes and the German Emperors which kept France out of war. As a Ruler, he dispensed justice fairly and with great attention to the needs of his subjects. He was known for his scrupulous honesty.

Louis was also a great patron of the arts and architecture. During his reign, the famous Sorbonne Theological School was formed in Paris and the Gothic jewel, the Sainte Chapelle in Paris, was built as his personal chapel. In the Sainte Chapelle, he enshrined the true Crown of Thorns which he had secured from the Emperor in Constantinople.

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